Jane Austen’s and Pushkin’s Author Code: Cognitive Aspect
Narrative, Linguo-stylistic Tools, Cognitive Research, Cognitive Poetics, Jane Austen, Pushkin.Abstract
The subject of research in this article is the narrative features of Jane Austen's novels and, at the same time, the essential features of her idiostyle. We consider the system of Austen's distinctive ways of using language as a stylistic code of narration or narrative. We will consider the similarity of realistic writing in the novels of Austen and Pushkin, as well as the narrative features and linguistic stylistic means by which Austen arranges and interprets reality in his novels. Their division into two main groups allows us to structure modern ideas of critics and researchers about the author's style of the writer, as well as to deduce two key features of her novels. The conclusions presented in the article are related to the prospects of "Austen studies", since the analysis of critical discourse has shown that only a cognitive understanding of the creative heritage of Austen will allow us to fully reveal the true potential and intentions of the author's consciousness in the future. In particular, the analysis of the Austen narrative in the context of cognitive poetics and theory of mind. For the first time, Austen’s research highlights the phenomenon of embedded consciousness and intersubjectivity in the interpretation of her novels, and states pseudo-realism and pseudo-moral teaching as essential characteristics of her creative writing. The presented analysis is concerned with modern literary and linguo-cognitive works about Austen’s legacy abroad. An assumption is made about possible directions of research in the field of cognitive poetics in Russia.
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- Phillips N. Distraction as Liveliness of Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Characterization in Jane Austen. URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8aca/ bba786ae8f09fba7789088d7b9f3c800eda6.pdf (data obrashhenija: 08.08.2019)
- Richardson A. (2010). The Neural Sublime: Cognitive Theories and Romantic Texts. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 179 p.
- Waldron M. (2003). Jane Austen and the fiction of her time. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 204 p.
- Woudenberg F. The Business of Marriage: Metaphors in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. URL: dspace.library.uu.nl (data obrashhenija: 10.12.2019)
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- Zunshine L. (2006). Why we read fiction: theory of mind and the novel. Columbus: The Ohio State University, 198 p.
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