Lingo-Cognitive Aspects as a Formation of an Image of a Native Russian Speaker for a Foreigner While Studying In Russia
Cognitive Structure, Consciousness, Mentality, Foreigner, Linguo-Didactic Techniques, Regional Material, Associative Experiment.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to identify the means of objectification of the cognitive structure "Russians", which is formed in the linguistic consciousness of foreigners, and to suggest ways of linguo-didactic correction of the process of its formation. The article examines the cognitive mechanisms of transformation of key cognitive structures, in particular, the concept "Russians" in the minds of foreigners studying in Russia. The conclusion about the mental transformative role of the language is made. The results of the research were the following methods of work proposed for use: “cross-use” of regional study materials in different disciplinary courses; compulsory and regular reference in the process of mastering Russian grammar to text and speech material of a regional nature; compulsory involvement in independent work on the preparation of monologues, dialogues and polylogs of country-specific material. The theoretical significance of the work lies in strengthening the position of the linguistic and cultural and linguo-cultural component of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The practical significance of the work follows from the obvious possibilities for the effective implementation of the proposed methods of educational activity at different stages of mastering the Russian language by foreign students in Russian higher education.
Extended abstract:
The purpose of this study was to identify the means of objectification of the cognitive structure "Russians", which is formed in the linguistic consciousness of foreigners, and to suggest ways of linguodidactic correction of the process of its formation.
The key issue of the research was the consideration of the cognitive mechanisms of transformation of the leading cognitive structures, in particular, the concept of "Russians" in the minds of foreigners studying in Russia.
The hypothesis of the study was the idea of a natural transformation of the cognitive education "Russians" in the minds of foreign students, the assumption of the inclusion of both positive and negative axiological characteristics into it over time. The leading thought was the idea of the possibility of influencing the final cognitive product in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Such an influence can significantly increase the motivation of students for the successful perception of new knowledge, an increase in the volume of mastered issues, for the active independent study of aspects of a foreign language.
The research methods were observation of the practical learning activities of the teacher and students in higher education, cognitive-discourse analysis of the speech products of foreign phones, as well as the analysis of scientific literature and comparison of points of view on the issue under study.
The novelty of the research lies in the appeal to the named cognitive education, which has not yet been studied from a linguodidactic point of view.
The results of the research were the following methods of work proposed for use: “cross-use” of regional studies materials in different disciplinary courses; compulsory and regular reference in the process of mastering Russian grammar to text and speech material of a regional character; obligatory involvement of students in independent work on the preparation of monologues, dialogues and polylogs of a regional nature.
The paper concludes about the mental transformative role of language.
The theoretical significance of the work lies in strengthening the positions of the linguistic and cultural and linguocultural component of the methodology for teaching Russian as a foreign language.
The practical significance of the work follows from the obvious possibilities for the effective implementation of the proposed methods of educational activity at different stages of mastering the Russian language by foreign students in Russian higher education. The materials of the work can be used not only in the classroom for the study of the grammatical structure of the language, its lexical stock, but also in the classroom for regional studies, linguistic studies, cultural linguistics, linguodidactics. The combination of issues of theoretical and practical methods of Russian as a foreign language made it possible to substantiate the effectiveness of the described techniques and indicate their effectiveness, which indicates the need for a constant correlation in the practice of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language with his theoretical and practical experience on this issue.
The conclusion of the article boils down to the statement that at each stage of teaching a foreigner, his conceptual sphere turns out to be changed to a certain extent due to the implementation of the work of cognitive mechanisms. The practical value of the “transformation” in the mind of a foreign student of concepts, for example, the concept “Russians”, lies not only in the acquisition of certain positive signs by the concept, but also in the fact that the foreign student gets the opportunity to observe the mental transformative activity of the language, the manifestation of its vitality, a real influence on the thought and feeling of a person. In this work, we made conclusions about a steady change in the perception of the image of a Russian speaker of the Russian language in the minds of Turkmen foreigners during 4-5 years of study in Russia. This, of course, is facilitated by the types of work noted and proposed by us.
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