Concept, Russian Language, Free Associative Experiment, Associative-Verbal Field, Model, Paremia, GRATITUDE, Speech ActAbstract
The proposed article examines the linguistic representation of the concept GRATITUDE in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Russian language and in the national corpus of the Russian language. Gratitude arises on the basis of an emotional and rational assessment of what is happening, the expression of gratitude is ritualized. The addressee of gratitude can be not only specific people, but also communities of people and non-personalized entities: the world, God. The purpose of the article is to study a fragment of the conceptual field of the Russian language. The methods are free associative experiment and contextual analysis. Contextual analysis is used to identify and describe the pragmatic potential of the behavioral speech act. Behabitives are a mixed group of speech acts related to social behavior and relationships between people. Behabitives include the notion of reacting to the behavior of other people, as well as the attitude towards someone's behavior in the past or in the future and the explicit expression of this attitude. The data of a free associative experiment, dictionaries, data of the national corpus of the Russian language are used as material.
Extended abstract:
The proposed article examines the linguistic representation of the concept GRATITUDE in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Russian language and the national corpus of the Russian language. In linguistics, the expression of gratitude is considered a special speech genre (stable compositional and stylistic features of statements on this topic), a genre of epideictic speech. Gratitude can have various characteristics: direct and indirect gratitude; ritual (etiquette) and emotional (personally significant); motivated and unmotivated; verbal and nonverbal; gratitude to the real recipient and gratitude to higher powers. Gratitude arises based on an emotional and rational assessment of what is happening, the expression of gratitude is ritualized. The causer has a positive emotional impact on the object of causation, recognizing the contribution of the object of causation to the development of relationships, and contributing to their balancing. The situation is defined as beneficial, also poly intentional, actualizing acceptance of responsibility, acceptance of an invitation, refusal of responsibility, refusal of an invitation, refusal to participate, recognition of a positive/negative assessment, acceptance of gratitude, acceptance of help, and expression of consent. The addressee of gratitude can be not only specific people but also communities of people and non-personalized entities: the world, and God. The purpose of the article is to study a fragment of the conceptual field of the Russian language. The methods are free-associative experiments and contextual analysis. Contextual analysis is used to identify and describe the pragmatic potential of the behavioral speech act. Behabitives are a mixed group of speech acts related to social behavior and relationships between people. Behabitives include the notion of reacting to the behavior of other people, as well as the attitude towards someone's behavior in the past or the future and the explicit expression of this attitude. The data of a free-associative experiment, dictionaries, and data of the national corpus of the Russian language are used as material.
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