Analysis Acoustical Formants Russian Fricative Consonants in Comparison with the Pronunciation of Iranian Students
Acoustic, Fricative Consonants, Formant, ArticulationAbstract
Knowledge of a foreign language, in addition to grammatical and lexical problems, is also associated with phonological problems, in all their aspects as acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Such problems should be solved in order to realize comprehensible communication as the main goal of teaching the Russian language with the maximum approximation of the original to the language. The experiment was aimed at improving the acoustic and pronunciation skills of Iranian students using the program "PRAAT". The purpose of the analysis is to identify the influence of the phonological and articulatory characteristic of the consonant system of the Persian language on the Russian language of Iranian students and eliminate this interfering influence on the studied language, as well as to correct and improve the pronunciation of students. The main research methods are the comparative-typological method, experimental methods and methods of measurement and differences, comparison and statistical processing of data. In the course of the experiment, differences were revealed in the articulation of a Russian native speaker and Iranian students.
Extended abstract:
At the beginning of this century, which is known as the century of globalization, learning a foreign language is inevitable. Therefore, almost a large part of society partly has to deal with foreign languages. Learning a foreign language is associated with many problems. Knowledge of a foreign language, in addition to grammatical and lexical problems, is also associated with phonological problems, in all their aspects as acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Such problems should be solved in order to realize comprehensible communication as the main goal of teaching the Russian language with the maximum approximation of the original to the language. A student possesses communicative competence if he successfully solves the problems of mutual understanding and interaction with native speakers of a language under direct or indirect contact in accordance with the norms and traditions of the culture of this language. From a psychological point of view, communicative competence is, first of all, a person’s ability to organize his speech activity in its productive and receptive forms, adequate to the communication situation.
The experiment was aimed at improving the acoustic and pronunciation skills of Iranian students using the program "Praat". The purpose of the analysis is to identify the influence of the phonological and articulatory characteristic of the consonant system of the Persian language on the Russian language of Iranian students and eliminate this interfering influence on the studied language, as well as to correct and improve the pronunciation of students.
The main research methods are the comparative-typological method, experimental methods and methods of measurement and differences, comparison and statistical processing of data. In the course of the experiment, differences were revealed in the articulation of a Russian native speaker and Iranian students.
The results clearly show that Russian phonemes, which are similar to those in Persian (Including fricative consonants examined in this article), have practically no correspondence with each other in terms of physical characteristics, first formant, second formant active and inactive speech organs. Students also pronounce Russian words, replace the original sample with Persian phonemes. This creates an accent that takes education away from its original purpose. Investigate how this deviation in producing these sounds is formed, it can greatly help the students to eliminate it.
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