Paremia Transformants of the Coronavirus Era
Paremia, Paremia Transformant, Structure, Semantics, Modification, Coronavirus Era, Pragmatic AttitudeAbstract
The article deals with issues related to the structural and semantic organization of paremia transformants of the coronavirus era. Paremias have relative independence of meanings from the context of use and are able to maintain the "transparency" of the internal form of utterance in conditions of different event backgrounds; in paremias there is no specific person, the action being performed, and an indication of the time of this action; paremias act as a means in the language game. The paremic transformants of the coronavirus era are contextually conditioned, since the modification is actualized in a certain context, at a certain time, they act as one of the means in the language game. Transformations of paremias are caused by their active use by native speakers. In the coronavirus discourse, the choice of paremia is conditioned by a pragmalinguistic task: 1) modeling of a unique situation, on the one hand, and a typical one (since it extends to everything and everyone), on the other; 2) selection of appropriate language units, modifications of which will most adequately reflect discursive practice; 3) solving the set communicative task in order to adapt to the conditions of the pandemic; 4) nomination of participants, events, phenomena, processes of the coronavirus era; 5) expression of assessment to the factors of coronavirus discourse; 6) identification and description of acute discursive topics. Modification of paroemias determines the formation of new relevant meanings characterized by imaginative, vivid, emotional and expressive character.
Extended abstract:
The article deals with issues related to the structural and semantic organization of paremia transformants of the coronavirus era. Paremias have relative independence of meanings from the context of use and are able to maintain the "transparency" of the internal form of utterance in conditions of different event backgrounds; in paremias there is no specific person, the action being performed, and an indication of the time of this action; paremias act as a means in the language game. The paremic transformants of the coronavirus era are contextually conditioned, since the modification is actualized in a certain context, at a certain time, they act as one of the means in the language game. Transformations of paremias are caused by their active use by native speakers. Currently, there is a unique language situation that arose during the coronavirus period. The uniqueness of the situation is determined not only by the abundance of neologisms in the vocabulary, but also by the speed of their appearance. This concerns the modification of meanings, the development of polysemy, synonymy, and language play. This confirms the social and psychological nature of language and language development, as well as the general social trend of globalization. In the paremia transformants, multi-level modifications are fixed, which can be designated as semantic reframing, which means rethinking and restructuring the mechanisms of perception of reality in certain contextual actual conditions. In the coronavirus discourse, the choice of paremia is conditioned by a pragmalinguistic task:
1) modeling of a unique situation, on the one hand, and a typical one (since it extends to everything and everyone), on the other;
2) selection of appropriate language units, modifications of which will most adequately reflect discursive practice;
3) solving the set communicative task in order to adapt to the conditions of the pandemic;
4) nomination of participants, events, phenomena, processes of the coronavirus era;
5) expression of assessment to the factors of coronavirus discourse;
6) identification and description of acute discursive topics.
Modification of paroemias determines the formation of new relevant meanings characterized by imaginative, vivid, emotional and expressive character.
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