Functional Potential of Deverbatives of the Russian Language and Its Actualization in Statements with Prepositional Constructions
Deverbative, Prepositional Deverbative, Taxis Actualizer, Simultaneity, Asynchronicity, Primary-taxis Categorical Situations, Secondary-taxis Categorical SituationsAbstract
This article considers the functional potential of Russian deverbatives in sentences with prepositional constructions. The functional potential of deverbatives of the Russian language should be understood as their taxis functions-potencies, allowing them to actualize taxis meanings of simultaneity and asynchronicity in statements with taxis-forming prepositions of various semantics. The article describes various variants of primary-taxis and secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, precedence and following in statements with prepositional deverbatives in Russian. Deverbatives with temporal-taxis prepositions actualize primary-taxis сategorial situations of simultaneity, precedence, and following. Deverbatives with heterogeneous taxis prepositions of adverbial semantics actualize various secondary-taxis categorial situatiоns of simultaneity.
Extended abstract:
This article considers the functional potential of Russian deverbatives in sentences with prepositional constructions.
The functional potential of deverbatives of the Russian language should be understood as their taxis functions-potencies, allowing them to actualize taxis meanings of simultaneity and non- simultaneity in statements with taxis-forming prepositions of various semantics.
The article describes various variants of primary-taxis and secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, precedence and following in statements with prepositional deverbatives in Russian.
The semantic potential of monotaxis and polytaxis prepositions of temporal and adverbial semantics is relevant when actualizing a certain variant of primary taxis or secondary taxis of simultaneity (modal, conditional, final, and causal, concessive, consecutive). Prepositions of temporal and circumstantial semantics act as taxis markers of simultaneity and non-simultaneity.
Russian deverbatives with temporal-taxis prepositions во время, в течение, после, перед, до, накануне, с, при act as actualizers of primary taxis categorical meanings of simultaneity, precedence and following. The monotaxis prepositions of temporal semantics во время, в течение, после, перед, до, накануне, с, as well as the polytaxis preposition при in the temporal meaning act as markers of the primary taxis of simultaneity, precedence and following.
The categorical semantics of the primary taxis of simultaneity, precedence and following is actualized in the primary taxis categorical situations of simultaneity in statements with monotaxis prepositions во время, в течение, с and the polytaxis preposition при, as well as in primary taxis categorical situations of following in statements with the monotaxis preposition following после and in primary taxis categorical situations of precedence in statements with monotaxis temporal prepositions до, перед, накануне.
When actualizing the primary taxis categorical situations of following and precedence, various temporal, aspectual and taxis quantifiers are used (сразу, вскоре, незадолго, задолго, недавно, через несколько минут, через пять минут, через час, через полчаса, etc.) in the function of lexical- semantic explicators of different times and temporal delimiters.
Russian deverbatives in combination with monotaxis and polytaxis prepositions of adverbial semantics под, при, благодаря, в силу, из-за, вследствие, вопреки, несмотря на, для act as markers of various secondary taxis categorical situations of simultaneity (modal-taxis, conditional- taxis, causal-taxis, concession-taxis, consequential-taxis, etc.).
In statements with deverbatives with monotaxis and polytaxis prepositions of adverbial semantics, six varieties of categorical situations of secondary taxis of simultaneity are actualized: modal-taxis, conditional-taxis, causal-taxis, concessive-taxis, consecutive-taxis and final-taxis.
In the presence of deverbatives with the semantics of derivational or genetic iterativeness, as well as genetic multiplicativeness or distributiveness in the surveyed statements of the Russian language, it is possible to actualize multiplicative-taxis, iterative-taxis or distributive-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity (secondary or primary nature). In the presence of iterative adverbials and attributes (каждые сутки, каждый раз, всякий раз, каждый день, часто, регулярно, постоянно, иногда, редко, изредка, нередко, всегда, обычно, несколько раз, дважды, etc.), iteratively-primary- taxis and iterative-secondary taxis categorical situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity (following, precedence).
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