Some Aspects of Development of Educational Bilingual Ideographic Dictionaries


  • Жаныл Ныгизбаевна Жунусова Zhunussova Zhanyl Nygisbaevna, Professor, Eurasian National University L.N. Gumilev, Astana, Kazakhstan.



Educational Dictionaries, Adaptation, Repatriate Students, Language Policy, Ideographic Dictionary, Bilingual Lexicography.


In the past two decades there were changes in social life of Kazakhstan: entering into the global community, integration of economy, the politician of trilingualism, which promoted change in learning approaches, modernization of all education system. For successful social adaptation and communication of a special category of the repatriate students who have come back to the historical land, various dictionaries and reference books are widely used in teaching them non-native language (Russian). For this category of students in the Kazakhstan’s universities conduct additional classes in all faculties, prepare teaching methodical materials, individual work programs, manuals. Especially for this category of students we have created a special type of dictionary – ideographic, which is intended for active work with vocabulary, expansion and systematization knowledge of the Russian language, and is useful for self-study of the language as an additional guide to the basic course. In the Centers of adaptation and integration of repatriates for carrying out training courses in Russian manuals successfully take root, seminars on the methodology of language teaching are being conducted.‌


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How to Cite

Жунусова, Ж. Н. (2019). Some Aspects of Development of Educational Bilingual Ideographic Dictionaries. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 7(2), 11–28.


