Communication, Motivation, Education, Russian Language, Iranian StudentsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the used communicative teaching methods, and to identify their potential to increase motivation in students. According to the stated purpose, the study is based on the results of a survey entitled "Which emotional methods most successfully influence the process of language acquisition?" The survey involved 114 undergraduate students studying Russian at Iranian state universities. Testing focused on how successful the learning methods are? How do students evaluate the use of new methods, including the use of role-playing methods, watching films, conducting discussions and staging performances? In other words, the focus of our attention was on modern approaches that affect the emotions and motives of students. As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that students strive to create interactive, emotional relationships between students and teachers in order to adequately assess their competencies and improve their academic level.
Extended abstract:
Teaching means changing the behavior of students and the skills to apply what they have been taught. The effectiveness of any educational system is calculated and evaluated on the basis of changing this behavior or improving the skills of students. Language learning is one of the essential human needs, and the speed and quality of learning is very important for teachers and students. The system of modern education is undergoing a comprehensive renewal. According to research conducted by experts, through regular learning, only 30% of what is taught is absorbed, while, with the effective use of emotional methods, the learning rate increases to 70%. This article analyzes motivational methods in the process of teaching the Russian language in Iranian classrooms, formulates methodological approaches to the use of teaching technology. The aim of this article is to consider active methods of teaching separately, their features, the effectiveness of improving the quality of mastering the subject under study, based on the pedagogical opinion of Western and Russian scientists.
According to the task, the research is based on the results obtained in the survey entitled "Which emotional methods are more successful in influencing the process of language acquisition?"; the question may arise: what methods are emotional? This inclusive concept applies to all teaching methods that address student emotions. At the same time, the questions raised touch upon more detailed aspects, and the article also discusses the main theses. The survey involved 114 students with a bachelor's degree in Russian at Iranian state universities. The testing was carried out in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and, therefore, focuses on how successful the methods of teaching are being implemented, what type of teaching do students prefer: in full-time or virtual form? How is the impact of gaming technologies (Role-playing), watching films, conducting discussions, staging performances by students assessed? How effective are social media and learning software applications? The results confirm the feasibility of using the interactive-hybrid teaching method. In other words, all modern approaches that affect students' emotions and motives prevail over traditional ones. The results emerging from the polls claim that 85.9% of the students expressed dissatisfaction with the virtual learning process. 53% agreed with the combined use of the above methods. As a result, we found out that students strive to create interactive, emotional relationships between themselves and teachers, and to engage in the classroom process in order to assess their competencies and improve their qualifications through the successful mastering of the studied material.
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