
  • Mehrinissa Nagzibekova Doctor of Philology, Professor of Faculty of Russian language and literature, Tajik National University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
  • Ruzieva Laleh Talibavna Professor, Tajik National University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Andamova Humayun Ismoilovna Докторант, Таджикский национальный университет, Душанбе, Таджикистан


Set Phrases, Students, Teacher, National School, Russian Language, Russian Literature, Assignments, Exercises


The article talks about stable free phrases studied in the national school. It is proposed that work on phraseological units should be carried out together with vocabulary work. It is very useful to compile a special dictionary, where the student gradually introduces learned phraseological expressions, arranging phraseological units associated with a verb by verb, phrases with a definition and a defined word - by the initial word, as well as interjection and adverbial phrases. By showing the types of connections in free phrases, the teacher must ensure that students can easily handle them, form them (find some adjective definition for a given noun, an addition for a verb, etc.), change them (put these phrases a noun with a plural adjective, put a verb in the form of the present tense, past tense, etc. in combinations of a verb with a noun), use them in coherent speech (make sentences with these phrases). Work on phraseological units should be carried out all the time and go from easy to difficult. When reading a text, the teacher should always draw students’ attention to stable phrases. The teacher’s explanations at this stage come down mainly to explaining the concept itself, expressed by a set phrase, and drawing students’ attention to the use of certain words in a particular phraseological unit that are usually understandable to them. Practical mastery of this material is also extremely important, because such phraseological units will appear quite often. When mastering a particular phraseological unit, it is important to point out the ability of component words to change the grammatical form. When working on phraseological units and set sayings in a national school, the question may arise about their translation and compliance with phraseological units of the native language.



How to Cite

Nagzibekova М. ., Ruzieva Л. ., & Andamova Х. . (2025). WORK ON STABLE VOCABULARY IN THE NATIONAL SCHOOL. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury. Retrieved from


