Lomonosov, Methodology, Classicism, Aesthetics, Image, GenreAbstract
The article presents developments designed for teaching Russian literature of the classical era in higher educational institutions. Russian Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov's work is considered not only as an example of high artistry of Russian classicism, but also as a basic theoretical basis for the development of the Russian literary tradition. To substantiate this approach, the principles of historical poetics and a systematic analysis of Lomonosov's theoretical works in the field of poetic dimensions and stylistics are used. The features of natural images of odes and idylls, their philosophical sound, patriotism and psychologism, which later became the basis for the development of other literary trends, are demonstrated. The rich potential of the low style is also considered, thanks to which the poetics of everyday life, folk flavor and a variety of lively, sincere human manifestations were embodied in literature. The fruitfulness of Lomonosov's method is supported by the development of his approaches to artistic language in the works of other representatives of Russian classicism from Sumarokov to Derzhavin. The result of studying the theory and practice of M.V. Lomonosov should be the formation of students' fundamental understanding of the ways of development of Russian fiction.
Extended abstract:
The article is devoted to the problem designed for teaching Russian literature of the era of classicism in higher educational institutions. A hypothesis is proposed according to which Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov's work should be considered as a theoretical and experimental basis for the development of the Russian literary tradition. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the main principles of M.V. Lomonosov's scientific and creative innovations in the field of poetry. This should be taken into account in higher educational institutions in the process of teaching the history of Russian literature to understand the model of its development. The article discusses sections of methodological guidelines devoted to the theory and practice of M.V. Lomonosov. The study provides a detailed justification for the scientific approaches disclosed in these guidelines. Using the principles of historical poetics and systematic analysis of Lomonosov's theoretical works in the field of metrical form and stylistics. This method substantiates this approach. The article presents linguistic substantiations of the importance of the Church Slavonic language for the formation of the sublime stylistics of Russian verse. This factor, justified by Lomonosov, influenced not only Russian classicism but also the further development of the language of Russian poetry. Much attention is given to the specifics of natural images in works of high and medium genres. A typological distinction is made between the images of nature characteristic of odes and idylls. An intermediate hypothesis is put forward about the semantics of images of "big" and "small" nature. The author notes the essential philosophical and expressive content of these images. The embodiment of patriotism and psychology in these images is demonstrated, which later became the basis for the development of other literary trends. The study found that for Russian fiction, the rich potential of the low style is also taken into account. Based on language and images of Russian comedy, the author concludes that the poetics of everyday life, folk flavor, and a variety of lively, sincere human manifestations entered Russian literature thanks to classicism. Based on these studies the methodological guidelines are constructed such, when students, further studying Russian literature, can recall examples of different genres and styles, justified and practically applied by Lomonosov. The methodological guidelines are of great help In the course of literature of the XVIII century. Lomonosov's method is confirmed by the development of his approaches to artistic language in the works of other representatives of Russian classicism from Sumarokov to Derzhavin, as well as in the literature of sentimentalism. The results of the study indicate Lomonosov's theory and practice help students to form an understanding of the models of development of Russian fiction.
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