Intensification in Higher Education Linguodidactics
Cognitive Learning Strategies, Intensification of Learning, Teaching Principles, Teaching Methods and Techniques, Foreign Speaker.Abstract
The article is devoted to the description of the experience of intensifying the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the high school level. Methods and techniques are considered that can significantly improve the learning efficiency of foreign speakers at the initial stage. The most effective forms of auditor and non-audit work are described; the degree of their reproducibility is indicated. Didactic requirements for the implementation of the proposed formats of activity were noted. Illustrating the proposed forms of work is accompanied by comments on the communicative-cognitive specificity of their application in the first-year students' classroom. The work noted the effectiveness of various traditional and non-traditional exercises that increase the didactic level of the efforts of the student and teacher. The use of such tasks is argued by their adequacy in the specific training situation, the greatest correspondence to the expected results, the best reproducibility. A wide range of noted means is conditioned by the requirements of diversity for the realized models of training. The direction of the research "from practice to theory" in all cases is based on the provisions available in the linguistic guideline and is intended to strengthen them with practical experience, in some cases extraordinary.
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