Language and the National Language Picture of the World in the Era of Integration and Globalization
National Language, National Linguistic Picture of the World, Foreign Language, Confusion of Languages, Bilingual.Abstract
The picture of the world, which is inherent in society as a whole, and in every individual person, is one of the most important conditions for a holistic perception of the world. The article explores the issues related to the development of the language and the formation of the national language picture of the world in the current conditions of globalization, when a large number of people throughout the world own not only national but also one or more foreign languages. The history of scientific views is also covered. The language picture appears as a contemplation of the world, of an every single man as well as the whole ethnic group. It is a result of the world perception and comprehension which is kept in the language. Particular attention is paid to the problem of creating a national language picture of the world in situations of bilingualism and confusion of languages. The specific formation of the modern national-language picture of the world analyzed by young people explore the difficulties encountered during this process. The article examines the nature of bilingual phenomenon and the concept of the «mother tongue» in the bilingual environment.
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