The peculiarities of art space worldview in I. S. Shmelev’s novel “The Lord’s Summer”


  • Елена Красильникова


Art Space Worldview, The Time Scene Text Organization, Genre Originality, Language Structure Of The Work.


The article looks into the global literary perspective presented in I. S. Shmelev’s novel “The Lord’s Summer” through the author’s special organization of the time scene, the characters’ language or speech system and genre specific features as well.  In particular, it is noted that, through spatial reference points the author's system of values is expressed, in which The two worlds, materialistic and spiritually-religious, are simultaneously meaningful. To emphasize the commonality of the two worlds, ascending gradation is used. The space plenum degree is also significant in the work. The renewal motive is realized through the recurrent use of phrases: a new yard”, “a new summer I see” and etc. protagonist’s inner poignancy is represented by the use of verbs of the present time, nominating all sensory organs of the renewed reality. The novel genre cannot be determined precisely. The contamination of genre features is manifested in the compositional structure, the fantastic manner of the narration, and the stylistic diversity of the vocabulary represented in the novel.


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How to Cite

Красильникова, Е. (2017). The peculiarities of art space worldview in I. S. Shmelev’s novel “The Lord’s Summer”. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 5(2), 57–74. Retrieved from


