Fantasy, Fantastic Literature, Sergei Lukyanenko, Technology, Today’s TeenagersAbstract
This article discusses the story of the modern Russian science fiction by Sergei Vasilievich Lukyanenko "The Road to Wellesberg". Unlike current writers, who pay very little attention to fantastic literature, Sergei Lukyanenko was able to take a special place among his contemporaries in this genre of literature. The story “The Road to Wellesberg” is one of the famous works of the author, in which the elements of fantasy are very obvious, and the author, with his modern techniques and methods, made his written language tangible for teenagers. Sergei Lukyanenko transforms the past and the future through fantastic literature. He believes that only in fantastic literature can the world be depicted in such a way that it seems believable and real, while being a fantasy. With his fantasy pen, the author well depicts the position of modern adolescents in society and the family. In addition, Sergei Lukyanenko sometimes mixes science and technology with fantastic literature and thus makes today's modern world more exciting.
Extended abstract:
This article discusses the story of the modern Russian science fiction by Sergei Vasilievich Lukyanenko "The Road to Wellesberg". Unlike current writers, who pay very little attention to fantastic literature, Sergei Lukyanenko was able to take a special place among his contemporaries in this genre of literature. The purpose of writing this article is to achieve the values of the place of the young generation in the society and family, to help them deal with the problems of the present day, to be noticed and understood by the elders, including their parents, and finally not to be oppressed. They are in all fields such as social, psychological, philosophical and so on. The question is, in order to get the teenager’s attention, which problems of fantastic literature does he use for representing their current situation? Or even there is a special feature in fantastic literature that has fascinated the author so much? Why is he so interested in this genre that is directly related to the young generation? By reading this article and examining fantastic literature from Sergi Lukyanenko's point of view, you can get the answers to all these questions.
The hypothesis of this article is that, the story “The Road to Wellesberg” is one of the famous works of the author, in which the elements of fantasy are very obvious, and the author, with his modern techniques and methods, made his written language tangible for teenagers. Sergei Lukyanenko transforms the past and the future through fantastic literature. In such a way that apart from being fantasy, it seems more plausible and real. One of the other things that has occupied the writer’s mind is the place of children and teenagers in today’s society. Today’s society, which is full of various incidents and problems, can be dangerous and problematic for teenagers who are at the sensitive age and are going through stressful times. While dealing with this fact, the author mentions all these issues from the perspective of the adolescents and in order to describe the existing matter of fact as realistic as it is, he put himself at their age. In addition, Sergei Lukyanenko sometimes mixes science and technology with fantastic literature and thus makes today's modern world more exciting. The research method of this article is using existing books and articles from fantastic literature and reading Sergey Lukyanenko's stories, as well as internet search. The new viewpoint of this article is to examine the problems of fantastic literature from the point of view of Sergei Lukyanenko and his opinions about this type of fantastic literature related to the young generation and his relationship in different fields. As a result, you can have a better understanding of fantastic literature by examining the story characteristics and interesting mentality of this author.
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