Epistemic Virtues, Scientific Ethos, Happiness, Vasiliy Zuev, Rastuschiy VinogradAbstract
Research of system of values and historical mobility of contents of ideal categories – epistemic virtues in the start period of disciplinary and institutional modification of scientific knowledge can make more profound our understanding of modern science. The constitution of public schools in Russia in 1782–1786 promoted to spread of scientific knowledge among the broad population of pupils, students and teachers of the new institutions. The making of a magazine for youth “Rastuschiy vinograd” by the teachers of the main public school was one of the demonstrations of the interest to science. The chair editors were Professor E.G. Syreischikov and soon followed by him academic V. Zuez. The article deals with the analysis of epistemic virtues made with the publications of one of the first periodical editions for youth the “Rastuschiy vinograd” as positive personality traits and ideal categories, which promote to effective understanding and proficient increment of scientific knowledge, as also become a didactic example for future generations of scientists. The special attention is paid to biography of Vasiliy Zuev, naturalist and editor of the magazine.
Extended abstract:
The establishment of public schools in Russia in 1782-1786 promoted the spread of scientific knowledge among the broad population of pupils, students and teachers of the new institutions. The creation of the youth magazine "Rastuschiy vinograd" by the teachers of the main public school showed the growing interest in science and people's attempts to reflect this interest. The editor-in-chief of the magazine was Professor E.G. Syreishikov, soon followed by the academic V. Zuez.
The article deals with the analysis of epistemic virtues, which were made with the publications of one of the first periodicals for youth "Rastuschiy vinograd", as positive personality traits and ideal categories, which promote to effective understanding and proficient increment of scientific knowledge, as well as become a didactic example for future generations of scientists. In particular, one of the important epistemic virtues of the authors of this journal was happiness.
The research question is how science can make a person happy and in what way human happiness is able to modify knowledge itself. It seems that the epistemology of virtues is a fruitful approach to the problem of scientific ethos. Special attention is also paid to the biography of Vasiliy Zuev, the naturalist and editor of the journal.
The author considers about the importance of researches so original treatises on self-representation of scientists, which contain in three articles of "Rastuschiy vinograd". Basically new this topic appears in connection with discussion about the nature of modern science and contemporary crisis of anthropocene, which update the problem of research reflection. The conclusion was drawn not only about Zuev and his editorial strategy, but also about the powerful emancipative potential of the history of science as a discipline.
There is no doubt that Zuev, as editor, shared the views of the authors of these three articles on the happiness of the scientist. But how did he feel? Was he really a happy man? Was his life full of calmness and inner peace and silence, which the authors of the articles talked about? Indeed, these questions remain annoyingly open. Many different cases of fights with the academy and the local administration, as well as difficulties and hard conditions of the naturalist's life are not associated with happiness, inner peace and satisfaction. Zuev's biography shows that the authorities and society did not understand that there were great opportunities, high values and real ways to make people happy. In this historical context, theories about the happiness of an educated person became a figurative way of speaking and a rhetorical strategy, but not a pattern of behaviour.
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