Hermeneutics, Linguistics of the Text and Extraction of Information, Relevant for the Reader, From the Poetic Text
Hermeneutics, Interpretation, Text Linguistics, Text, Extraction of Information, Relevant for Reader.Abstract
The article discusses the correlation of hermeneutics and linguistics of the text. Hermeneutics originated as a doctrine on the interpretation of texts, usually ancient, the meaning of which is difficult to understand because of their remoteness or because the source is not well-preserved. In this case, an understanding of the hidden meaning is achieved by studying the grammatical structure of the text, historical and cultural commentary, psychological research and analysis of the form of the work. Hermeneutics is currently defined as a doctrine of text interpretation.
More recently, a new direction in linguistics has begun to take shape — text linguistics. The linguistics of the text can be characterized as an objective means by which hermeneutics reaches its goal. The author considers the possibility of correlating the hermeneutics and linguistics of the text as a whole and its part.
As a hypothesis, the author proposes a new goal of linguistic analysis of the text — to extract information relevant to the reader, to derive information from the text about the environment and the processes taking place in it; comprehension of the state of affairs, of the state of an important, significant issue at the moment.
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