Bunin, Russian Emigration, Controversy of 1927, NewspaperAbstract
The article deals with the position of I. A. Bunin in the Parisian discussion of 1927. In this regard, the problem of being-in-memory as an artistic object in the works of I. A. Bunin after 1927 is revealed. In this regard, the writer's novel "The Life of Arseniev" and other works that reflected the two main motives in Bunin's work after 1927 - the motive of irreversibility and the motive of the universality of man are studied, and a new concept of "being-in-memory" is introduced. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the embodiment of these motives in Bunin's work, the influence of these motives on the conceptual foundations of his work. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the embodiment of these motives in Bunin's work, the influence of these motives on the conceptual foundations of his work. An analysis of the works created after 1927 allows us to conclude that Bunin's super-task as a writer and a person is to preserve in the memory of mankind the objective and spiritual world of pre-revolutionary Russia, an era that has gone irrevocably into oblivion and is preserved only in people's memories.
Extended abstract:
The article deals with the position of I. A. Bunin in the Parisian newspaper "Dni" in 1927. The results of this discussion, which turned into a conceptual understanding of the essence of the emigrant movement, are explored: what is Russian emigration, Russian emigration and the Russian people, complete renunciation of the Russian people or the need to reckon with their historical choice, the tragedy of losing touch with their homeland, attitude towards Soviet Russia, potential the possibility of returning home, Bunin's position in this discussion. In this regard, the writer's novel "The Life of Arseniev" and other works that reflected two main motives in Bunin's work after 1927 - the motive of irreversibility and the motive of the universality of man, are being studied. The purpose of the study is to reveal the artistic features of the embodiment of these motifs in Bunin's work, their influence on the conceptual foundations of his work, the features of the interpretation of the concept of "being-in-memory" as an artistic object in the writer's works of this period. The relevance of the study is due to the emergence in recent years of new studies, new concepts, and concepts that put forward actual interpretations and interpretations of the theme of pre-revolutionary Russia in Bunin's works. It is hypothesized that Bunin's super-task as a writer and a person after 1927 was to preserve in the universal memory of mankind the objective and spiritual world of pre-revolutionary Russia, an era that had gone irrevocably into oblivion and was preserved only in people's memories, as well as the preservation of the living, full-blooded sounding the Russian language of pre-revolutionary Russia. The cultural-historical method and the method of motive analysis led to the conclusion that the concept of Bunin's Russia consists of two main motives and many components, including the theme of ruined fathers, the death of tsarist Russia, love, death, and immortal memory. In conclusion, it is concluded that the feeling of the universality of man, and kinship with people from different countries and peoples helped Bunin to survive, and not to self-destruct in difficult life circumstances.
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