Manipulation in advertising text: lexical and semantic aspect


  • Светлана Шустова
  • Елена Платонова


Advertising, Manipulation, Advertising Text, Phonetic Tools, Morphologic Tools, Lexical Tools, Intensifier.


The present paper focuses on the questions of modern advertising science, structure of advertising and elements making actual manipulative influence from the addresser. Advertising encourages product sales, is an instrument of forming ethical standards, values, creating cultural values, standards and mode of behavior that is why the wide system of means for achieving aims of advertisers is needed. Linguistic manipulation is the most powerful feature which is considered as a conscious and purposeful use of peculiarity of organization and usage of linguistic means. The question is about split-level tools of realization of illocutionary intention of addresser. Together with the phonetic, morphologic tools the authors pay great attention to lexical tools which are dominant.  Taking into account the size of the paper syntactic tools are out of it. Linguistic manipulation in advertising text is a special type of manipulation that is why the formalization of manipulation in other words the defining tools, which execute the function of manipulation, is essential for linguistic research, theory of communication, linguistic pragmatics and many other research areas. 

Author Biography

Светлана Шустова

Профессор Прикамского социального института, Пермь, Россия


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How to Cite

Шустова, С., & Платонова, Е. (2017). Manipulation in advertising text: lexical and semantic aspect. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 5(1), 43–58. Retrieved from


