Analysis, Symbolism of Color, Artwork, A.V.Zhigulin, Yu.P.Kazakov, Methodological RecommendationsAbstract
The article analyzes fragments of the use of symbolism of color meanings in the works of M.Bulgakov ("The Master and Margarita"), A.Pushkin ("Imitation of the Koran"), A.V.Zhigulin, Yu.P.Kazakov ("Blue and Green"), determines the role and place of color meanings in the interpretation and analysis of the work, in the reader's comprehension of the inner world the writer, the character, the spiritual world and the character of the lyrical hero, the artistic world of the work as a whole. A scheme of coloristic analysis and methodological recommendations are proposed, which can be used by readers studying at higher school, teachers; examples of fragments of practical classes and creative works are given (A.V. Zhigulin "Black Stones", Yu.P.Kazakov "Blue and Green") for different levels of education. It is concluded that such a reading of poetic and prose texts with an understanding of the symbolism of color meanings, the color spectrum of the feelings of the heroes, the composition of the score of the hero's experiences, helps to reveal the color of the epochs and society, psychological traits of the character, the activity / passivity of the hero's participation in the actions unfolding on the pages of the work.
Extended abstract:
Our article is devoted to the nature and methodology of using the symbolism of color meanings during the analysis and comprehension of what has been read. It has long been known that fiction largely determines a person's spirituality. This means that the main form of work with a literary text in higher educational institutions of Belarus is its analysis at different levels: cultural studies, psychological, intertextual, comparative typological, and of course, philological [2], where a complex and multicolored world of words and their combination plays a significant role in the comprehension and interpretation of the read text [12].
Therefore, the purpose of the article is to show how the symbolism of color is related to its belonging to the inner world of the character, the feelings of the lyrical hero, the material, or the description and perception of the hero of the world as a whole; to show how color emphasizes the cultural characteristics in the bosom of which the work was created.
Using the example of works of Russian literature that are studied in secondary and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, we showed fragments of interpretation and analysis, determined the role and place of color symbolism in understanding the inner world of the writer, his characters and the artistic world of the work as a whole; fragments of the use of color symbols in the works of M. Bulgakov ("The Master and Margarita"), A. Pushkin ("Imitation of the Koran"), A. V. Zhigulin ("Black Stones"), Yu. P. Kazakov ("Blue and Green") were analyzed, in which, during the interpretation and analysis of the works, the role and place of color meanings were determined. They proposed and tested a scheme of coloristic analysis, developed methodological recommendations that teachers and readers studying at higher school can use; gave examples of fragments of practical classes and creative works (A.V. Zhigulin "Black stones", Yu. P. Kazakov "Blue and green") for different levels of education.
In the course of the study, it was concluded that such a reading of poetry and prose texts with an understanding of the symbolism of color meanings, the color spectrum of the feelings of the heroes, the composition of the score of the hero's experiences, helps to reveal the flavor of the era and society, the psychological traits of the character, the activity, and passivity of the hero's participation in the actions unfolding on the pages of the work. And the proposed approach to the study of a work of art in secondary and higher educational institutions forms the character and outlook of the personality of the trainees, teaches them to understand and assimilate moral and ethical norms, and helps to lead a harmonious life in society.
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