The Personification of the Nature in the Novel “Sweet Salt of Bosphorus” By E. Safarli
Lingvoimagology, Concept, Personification, Personification Structure.Abstract
In modern linguistics much attention is paid to the studying of the concept. Being a key term of many linguistic areas, the concept has become the main subject of cognitive linguistics, lingvoculturology and one of the newest streams — lingvoimagology. Our research deals with the studying of the concept “Nature” and one of the ways of its verbalization in the literary text — personification. Both intellectual and emotional spheres of a person participate in the process of creation of the personification. It contributes to the understanding of the images of the surrounding world, which is very important for perception of a literary text containing writer’s individual vision of different processes and phenomena. Analyzing examples of personification used by the writer gives the possibility to make conclusions about morphological and syntactical structure of this stylistic device and key features which create its basis. The research of stylistic means and devices is especially important in terms of modern literature, because nowadays writers create special language style which must be carefully studied.
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