A Reflection of the Struggle for Individual Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Russia in the Life and Work of V.F. Raevskogo «The First Decembrist»


  • Yunkina Anna Aleksandrovna Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution "Secondary School №11" MBOU "SOSH 11" the city of Stary Oskol (Belgorod region), Staryy Oskol, Russia.




V.F. Raevsky, Decembrists, Link, Poem, Noble Family, Teaching Activities, Destiny.


The study Goal was to recreate the image of the tragic and heroic personality of the poet-Decembrist V.F. Raevsky, analyzing books dedicated to his life, to get acquainted with the history of the poems. The life-tragedy of the V.F. Raevskogo is that he is, sentenced by a military court to death for free-thinking, spent five years in the castle dungeons, awaiting execution, and after its cancellation — more than forty years in Siberian exile. The heroism of “the first Decembrist” is that even in this hopeless situation, he survived, not broken, fought valiantly for life for the truth. In exile, Vladimir Fedoseevich  Raevsky was taught to read and write peasant children. In Siberia, he continued to write poetry. In the center of his Rejewski — way “singer in prison”, unyielding fighter for his ideals, not bowed “ramen head” or to the people or to fate. In spite of all the blows of the rock, V.F. Raevsky did not lose heart, remained true to his ideals and values to the end.


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How to Cite

Yunkina А. . (2020). A Reflection of the Struggle for Individual Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Russia in the Life and Work of V.F. Raevskogo «The First Decembrist». Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 8(1), 199–216. https://doi.org/10.29252/iarll.15.199


