Memory, imagination and literary creativity as origins in the works of A. S. Pushkin


  • Людмила Стебенева


Pushkin, Memory, Imagination, Literary Creativity, Poet, History.


The article analyses the research carried out during the last 5 years, which is dedicated not only to a historical theme in Pushkin’s works, but also historicism as a phenomenon of A.S. Pushkin’s creative mind. In contrast with traditionally considered aspects of Pushkin’s historicism, the author analyses the genesis of Pushkin’s perception of history. The events imprinted in the memory of the people were always deeply interesting for A.S. Pushkin. In Pushkin’s works the memory belongs to the poet. Reminiscences inspire the lyrical subject: memory, in the state of “lyrical excitement”, is transformed into imagination and inspiration. However, Pushkin’s poet does not only keep the memory of the past, he also apprehends the truth, foresees the future. So, in Pushkin’s fictional world the historical truth and the prophesy about the future are combined, they interact and determine each other in the poet’s inspiration. It is the poetic connotations that add an unusual dimension to Pushkin’s historical tragedy “Boris Godunov”.


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How to Cite

Стебенева, Л. (2017). Memory, imagination and literary creativity as origins in the works of A. S. Pushkin. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 5(1), 73–90. Retrieved from


